Colossians 3 1-2 (MSG) So if you're serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ, act like it. Pursue the things over which Christ presides. Don't shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is going on around Christ—that's where the action is. See things from his perspective.
Have you accepted Christ as your Savior but found yourself falling back into some of your old patterns? Perhaps you are faithful in going to church every Sunday, but not so faithful when it comes to acting like you even know Jesus the rest of the week. Living the Christian life is not easy, that’s why God has blessed us with “spiritual brothers and sisters” to help us along in our journey. Being in community with other believers is essential to growth as Christians.
I attend a cell based church. We meet on Sunday mornings for a regular church service and then once during the week in smaller settings in group members’ homes. These groups are typically 12 to 15 adults. It’s in the smaller group setting that I’ve been personally challenged to work on the areas of my life that were not of Christ. The relationships I’ve found through these groups are the most genuine friendships I’ve ever had in my life. I can tell these people anything without fear of it being “front page news” the next day. I can be honest and real. It’s in those real moments that my life has changed, and my faith in Christ has grown.
As I read through Colossians, I can't help but think about the impact these groups have made on my life and the lives of countless others. I gave my life to Christ one Sunday morning and I needed Him to change my life so desperately. I didn’t exactly know what that meant at the time… but I knew I needed Him to help me. I didn’t have Christian friends surrounding me at the time so Satan was able to easily take advantage of that. He (Satan) took my focus off Christ and swayed me back to the very lifestyle that was dragging me deeper and deeper into a pit of depression and darkness.
This “see-saw” type life between the world and those things of Christ went on for months until finally I had enough. I needed Christian community. I needed to be around a body of believers who had walked down the road I was walking and could relate to the struggles I faced. I joined a group and the rest is pretty much history, that first group helped me “get serious about living my new resurrected life.”
What about you? Do you have a group of people in your life that will hold you accountable and pray with you?
I challenge you today to find Christian brothers and sisters that you can walk your Christian life with.
I challenge you today to find Christian brothers and sisters that you can walk your Christian life with.
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