Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Bunk Bed Incident

My son was playing around in his room on the top bunk a few weeks back. I reminded him that the top bunk really wasn’t an ideal place to play…but that must have fallen on deaf ears. As he was playing, he pushed his leg through the wooden railing surrounding the bed. When he tried to pull his leg back through it didn’t work. He was stuck. He did try to “unstick” his leg for a few seconds, but the more he tried the more anxious he became making the entire situation worse. He was afraid he’d be stuck “forever”.

As I read through a few chapters of Isaiah this morning, I thought back to my son's situation…especially when I read Isaiah 40:10a. I like the way the Message paraphrases the verse:

“Don’t panic. I’m with you.”

DON’T PANIC! My son was doing just the opposite, he was panicking! Truthfully, I find myself doing the same thing. Current circumstances have allowed fear, anxiety (panic) and worry to rear their ugly heads and leave me just like my son was that day…afraid to move. I allowed myself to get so wrapped up in various situations that I completely lost sight of where my strength and help actually come from. Isaiah 41 – 43 opened my eyes to see the truth this morning.

I don’t have to be plagued by fear, worry and anxiety. According to verses throughout the three chapters of Isaiah, my God is with me. I am certain of it…because the rest of Isaiah 40:10b assures me of that truth.

“There’s no need to fear for I’m your God.
I’ll give you strength.
I’ll help you.
I’ll hold you steady, keep a firm grip on you.” [emphasis mine]

I see this now as I think back to the “bunk bed” incident. My son was afraid because he felt trapped and couldn’t get out of his current circumstance on his own accord. Isn’t that how most of like to handle life’s little (or major in some cases) circumstances…on our own and in our own strength?  I know it’s true for me. 

That day, when my son cried out for help, I saw the situation from an entirely different perspective. Within a matter of seconds, I was able to “free” him from the fear and anguish of his circumstance. In just a matter of minutes, he was laughing and playing (not on the bunk bed) as if nothing ever happened. 

What I’ve learned is I am just like him; I try to "get free" on my own before even once asking for help. But that's not helping anything at all. I can’t do anything apart from Christ. God is my loving Father; I can be assured of His strength, help and victory over my fear, my worry, and my anxiety. He is with me…and He will never leave me.

Today, I think I am going to remind myself of this important truth by going back to a song I used to sing during praise and worship a few years back. It’s a great way for me to remember that I can’t do one single thing WITHOUT Christ.

Apart from You (Todd Fields)
I can’t do anything, I can’t say anything
I can’t face anything, apart from You
You are everything, so my soul will sing
I’m not anything, apart from You

Lord Your life is the air that I breathe
Every promise You’ve given sustains me
There is nothing on earth that I need
But to be with You

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