Monday, November 25, 2013

Do I really know what's "best" for me?

Proverbs 21:2 (NCV) “You may believe you are doing right but the Lord judges your reasons.”
YIKES! When I read this verse I thought about all the times I said “well I need to do what’s best for me.” Actually what’s “best for me” may not always be what God says is "best for me." My “what’s best for me” might be born out of selfish desires, ambition or jealously of what someone else possesses.
Look closely at the second part of the verse, “the Lord judges your reasons.” Other translations of the Bible read “the Lord looks at the heart.” UGH! So my “I know what’s best for me” might not be what is actually best for me. The Lord is the ultimate judge because He can see the depths of my heart and He knows my motives.
How do I determine what is best for me? I have to first see if what I “think” best aligns with the truth of God’s word. If it doesn’t, then I have to give it up and realize it’s simply a ploy of the enemy to take my focus off of Christ. As Christians, the Bible is the standard by which we live our lives. This being said, it is up to me to carefully examine my heart and life to determine what is “best for me” by looking through the lens of the Bible.
We have all been called on purpose for a purpose and will stand before God one day and give an account for our lives. If there are things in my life I'm holding onto for my own reasons…. unforgiveness, anger, jealously, hate, my own dreams and desires, etc… I need to repent (turn from those reasons) and allow Christ to lead me down the path He has for me. This may not always be the path I would have chosen for myself...but I guarantee there will be abundant blessing that flow from being obedient to Christ and His plans for my life.

I challenge you today to look inward and determine if there are "things" you're holding onto for your own reasons. If so, it's time to let go and give them to God. Lay your agenda down at the foot of the cross and walk away. There is incredible freedom and immeasurable blessing in releasing your own agenda and trusting God’s plan for our life. How do I know this is true?  Because according to Jeremiah 29:11 “He has plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future.” [emphasis mine]
Related reading: Proverbs 4: 25-27; Isaiah 55:8; Colossians 1: 9 – 11; Ephesians 5: 15 - 17

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