Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Blanketed with Comfort

Psalm 31:3 (NCV) You are my rock and my protection. For the good of your name, lead me and guide me.”

I love to read through the book of Psalms when I need to be reminded of God’s ever guiding presence and protection as I walk through this somewhat chaotic world. I find words that describe who I am in Christ, who He is (words that describe His character) and what He offers when I come to Him. This morning, I found this example in the first verse of Psalm 31. Here, David is coming to God seeking refuge. David often prayed for God to be his refuge and deliver him from his enemies. David knew he could trust God as his refuge, and his shelter from danger and distress. 
In God, David was confident, safe and protected (this is who I am in Christ). Why did David know this? Because David trusted God and knew He was a safe place (who God is – His character). When David sought God for protection, he knew God would guide (what God offers) him in the right direction.

The character of God hasn’t changed since David’s time. God is just as much our refuge and security today. We can find protection in Him just like David did. Believe it or not, I was reminded of this truth during a bad thunderstorm a few years ago. All of a sudden I heard a big clap of thunder. It sounded as if it were directly over my house. Seconds later, I saw a bolt of lightning.

“Whoa, that was close!” Immediately my black lab was at my side shaking like a leaf. She hated thunderstorms but what she had learned over her 13 years of life is that she can run to me for “protection from the storm.” During thunderstorms we'd cover her up with a blanket and in the security of the blanket she found peace. 

In the same way, I can run to God for protection and refuge from the “storms of my life.” He will keep me safe in His shelter and hide me in his Holy Tent (Psalm 27:5 NCV).
It is up to us to trust Him completely – with everything we are and everything we have. We can be confident that God is true to His character and will deliver and protect us.

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