Monday, July 14, 2014

I just want PEACE and QUIET!

Psalm 55: 4 – 8 (MSG) My insides are turned inside out; specters of death have me down. I shake with fear, I shudder from head to foot. “Who will give me wings,” I ask— “wings like a dove?” Get me out of here on dove wings; I want some peace and quiet. I want a walk in the country, I want a cabin in the woods. I’m desperate for a change from rage and stormy weather.

My son finally down for the night, I decided to have the quiet time I missed this morning. During my scripture reading time, I couldn’t help but identify with David in verses 4 – 8 of Psalm chapter 55. Not that I have ever faced a situation in which I feared for my life, but I could feel his stress and knew what he must have felt when everything in him just wanted to leave. I have been there myself. I can remember a time when I felt so completely overwhelmed by circumstances surrounding me I allowed myself to think it would be better for everyone and me if I just “ran away.” Certainly there would be some peace and quiet somewhere.

Have you ever been there?

I like the way the Message paraphrases this passage of scripture. Can’t you just hear David crying out;

I just want some peace and quiet….

David was eager for the situation to change. Even though David was a man after God’s own heart and trusted God with his entire life there were times he too wanted to get away from pressure and problems.

All too often I “run-away” and want nothing to do with the pressure a situation can dish out. I’d be much more content to live in a stress-free environment, but sometimes God allows me to walk through these places of stress. More than anything, God wants me to look to him as the problem solver and stress reliever in my life. It’s a trust issue. Will I trust God enough to let go and allow him to work all things together for my good (Romans 8:28).

If I want peace and quiet in my life, God wants me to seek him first and not run and hide from everything. Will running away solve the problem? It’s highly doubtful; the problem will most likely still be there when I get back. True peace is found by focusing on God’s promises. A great example of this truth can be seen by looking at the life of Abraham. Romans 4:18 – 21 (NCV):

There was no hope that Abraham would have children. But Abraham believed God and continued hoping, and so he became the father of many nations. As God told him, “Your descendants also will be too many to count.” Abraham was almost a hundred years old, much past the age for having children, and Sarah could not have children. Abraham thought about all this, but his faith in God did not become weak. He never doubted that God would keep his promise, and he never stopped believing. He grew stronger in his faith and gave praise to God. Abraham felt sure that God was able to do what he had promised.

Abraham wasn't absent from sin, but he was obedient to God and trusted God would fulfill the promise He made. Abraham had peace even through the uncertainty. In the New Testament Jesus told us “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.” (John 14:27, NRSV) As followers of Jesus Christ we have the Holy Spirit working in us resulting in deep and lasting peace. This peace is confident assurance in any circumstance. When sin, doubt, uncertainty and fear wage war within us, we must choose to allow the peace of Christ to move in and provide comfort in place of conflict.

When all you want in your life is peace and quiet, lay your circumstance down at the foot of the cross and allow the Holy Spirit to fill you with a peace that is only found in Jesus Christ.

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