Friday, June 22, 2012

Alone time with Jesus

Proverbs 26: 13 – 16 (NCV) "The lazy person says, "There's a lion in the road! There's a lion in the streets!" Like a door turning back and forth on its hinges, the lazy person turns over and over in bed. Lazy people may put their hands in the dish, but they are too tired to lift the food to their mouths. The lazy person thinks he is wiser than seven people who give sensible answers."
Solomon really tells us what he thinks about lazy people in Proverbs 26. As I read through this chapter, I couldn't help but go back to verses 13 through 16. I can’t think of one single person I know that is truly lazy. By lazy I mean “someone who does absolutely nothing.” Oh sure, some people do more than others because their jobs may be more physically demanding but in thinking about everyone I know…they all do something. They may have their “down time” but I wouldn’t call that lazy. In fact, rest was something that God did once He spent six days creating the heavens and the earth. He told us to rest and even gave us a day to do it…the Sabbath.
Let’s look at this in a different way. So you may not be a lazy individual, you may be an extremely hard worker…but what about your faith? Are you lazy when it comes to your faith and your relationship with Jesus? Have you set aside time in your hectic day to spend with Christ? Time to talk to Him and work out those tough life issues you may be going through?
Try a little self assessment. If you’ve gotten lazy in your relationship with Christ, it’s not too late to fix it. He’s waiting for you right now. He wants to spend time with you more than anything! I know it’s hard to wrap your brain around that concept right? The God of the universe wants to spend quality time with me. Whether it’s five minutes or an hour and five minutes – I try to find some time to get alone with Jesus… I know when I take the time to "get away with Him" I am always glad I did. 

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