Friday, January 31, 2014

When waves come crashing down

You are never alone! 

Psalm 20:7 (AMP) Some trust in and boast of chariots and some of horses, but we will trust in and boast of the name of the Lord our God.
When it comes right down to it…who do you trust? When you are in the thick of the fight who is it that you turn to? Do you put your trust in the “things” that you can touch and feel or do you turn to the One who will never leave your side? 

This verse in Psalm was written by David as a prayer for victory in battle. David knew that only God, not the fire-power or greatness of the army, would be able to lead them to victory. David was confident that God would deliver him to safety and protect him. He didn’t have to boast in anything else.
There is another story in the Bible that reminds me of trust. It’s found in Matthew. Peter and the other disciples were in a boat in the middle of the Sea of Galilee when a raging storm came upon them. They were afraid for their lives. They were even more afraid when they saw what appeared to be a ghost walking on the water. “Don’t be afraid! It’s me.” With that Peter responded, “Lord if it’s you tell me to come and I will come!” 

The response came “Come.” 

Without hesitation Peter flung his leg over the side of the boat and was out on the furious sea on his way to Jesus. Why? Because Peter knew and trusted Jesus.
So what happens next in the story? Peter and Jesus hang out on the water and life if fine, right? Nope! When Peter looked at the circumstances around him and was overcome by the waves and began to sink.

I sure am glad I’m not the only one that takes their eyes off Jesus every now and again. How about you? This story gives me hope because Peter trusted Jesus enough to step out on to the water but, once out there, he his focus off of the only One who could actually keep him safe. 

Yikes! Puts things into perspective doesn’t it?
Going back to Psalm 20: 7, what or who is it that you're putting your trust in? Is it a person or a substance or something to get you through the “stuff” of life or is it the only ONE who will never leave you or forsake you?

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